I have created and built countless things . These are the major products designed for large-scale deployment.
Web Applications
SimPandemic (2020)
Developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SimPandemic is an easy-to-use but sophisticated simulator that enables you to learn how a pandemic evolves by choosing, customizing, and exploring the outcome of many different scenarios. Quickly and easily ask, “What if?” and see what happens.
Science Buddies: Classroom Scientist Mentoring Environment (2006)
Science Buddies: Topic Selection Wizard (2003)
The Topic Selection Wizard has gone through many upgrades during its life. The current version is a sophisticated Bayesian recommender.
Science Buddies: Mentoring Environment (2002)
Family Tree Maker Online (1996)
Software Applications
dbNow (2001)
Family Tree Maker: World Family Tree (1995)
Family Tree Maker: Data Archive CDs (1994+)
Microsoft Organization Chart (1993)
Biography Maker (1993)
Uncle Sam’s Budget Balancer (1992)
Banner Blue Movie Guide (1991)
Family Tree Maker (1989)
Org Plus (1985)